Start Training Today - Flexible Scheduling
to May 23

Start Training Today - Flexible Scheduling

  • Essencia Yoga Wellness Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Start Your Training Anytime of Year

  • Apply, Enroll and Commence your Teacher Training process.

  • Meeting on the designated times and dates of choice that you make.

Essencia Yoga’s 200 and 300 hour Yoga Alliance Teacher's Certification are mentoring programs that guide future teachers and/or yoga enthusiasts to a better understanding of the alignment, physiology, history, and physical practice of yoga, as well as the philosophy and spiritual elements of yoga. This course will exercise your mind, body and spirit. You will find yourself eliminating any excess and holding true to that which is priority to you. We are committed to making the training process as progressive and fun as it is uplifting to your whole person. We see it as a gift to join arms with each student embarking on this road, and find delight in coming alongside those seeking to enhance their own daily practice, as they pass on the art of yoga through instruction.

Teacher Training School History

yoga teacher training intensive

The Essencia Teacher Training Program was created in 2012 by Jeannine Bush Clinton. The 200 hour program was hosted in different venues including Thrive Integrative Wellness Center, until 2013, when it and has school is located in Wheaton, across from the College Ave Essencia Teacher Training program is approved by the International School of Yoga.

The School’s curriculum follows the Yoga Alliance guidelines and is a Registered School (RYS) with Yoga Alliance.  Upon completion of the program students will receive a Certificate of Completion and can apply for registration with Yoga Alliance as a Registered Yoga Teacher at the 200-hour level (RYT 200) or 300-hour level (RYT 500). 

While the school's program is designed for aspiring yoga teachers and teacher training. It also strongly recommended for individuals wanting to deepen their personal spiritual practice.

Potential Training Times

Thursday's 6pm

Friday's 1pm-3pm

Saturday's 9:30

Monday's 9:30am

Tuesday's 9:30

Tuesday's 6pm

Wednesday's 6pm

Training sessions

Each training session will open you up to a broader view of yoga, and equip you with the skills for teaching others to develop their own practice of the yoga discipline and lifestyle. Whether you go on to teach part-time or as a full-time career, you will find immense reward. We will discuss the various formats a certified yoga teacher has for teaching classes (corporate to private) and help with a game plan to get them going. Once the course is completed and all requirements have been met, you will be awarded certification as a yoga instructor. All graduates are qualified to be registered with Yoga Alliance.

Asana: Upon completion of the program the student will be able to perform the asanas and guide a student into the asanas covered in the program. For each posture the student will be able to describe how to enter and exit the posture, the benefits, cautions, and contraindications, the proper alignment of and perform possible hands-on adjustments. The basic Pranayamas of Diaphragmatic, 1:1, Dirgha (Three Part), Ujjayi, Nadi Shodhana, Kapalabhati, Sama Vritti will be covered as well as the Bandhas: Mula bandha, Uddiyana bandha, Jalandhara bandha, Pada bandha and Hasta bandha..

Meditation: Upon completion of the program the student will be able to engage in a seated meditation practice and describe the benefits and cautions of these practices.

techniques of yoga

Philosophy: Upon completion of the program the student will be familiar with the eight limbs of Yoga as defined by Patanjali in the classic text, The Yoga Sutra.  They will also understand the Sivananda system of health and understand the relationship between Yoga and Ayurveda.

Anatomy and Physiology: Upon completion of the program the student will be able to correctly identify the major bones and muscles of the body, understand movement and how to prevent injuries from occurring during asana practice, understand the primary systems of the body, understand the energetic body (including the Chakras), and understand basic nutrition.

Teaching Methodology: Upon completion of the program the student will be able to properly sequence, construct, and instruct a safe class. Personal Growth: In addition to the skills directly related to teaching yoga, the student is likely to enhance their own personal yoga practice, improve their communication skills, and understand personal and business ethics.

Required reading

  • Training Manual provided with training.

  • Anatomy of Yoga by Leslie Kaminoff

  • Sivananda Companion to Yoga

  • Teaching Yoga by Mark Stephens

  • Light on Yoga: Yoga Dipika by B. K. S. Iyengar


To receive a certificate of completion from Essencia Yoga Teacher Training school students must pass all exams, complete all papers satisfactorily, and meet attendance requirements. Upon completion of our course you will receive your CYT certification and you will also be eligible to register with Yoga Alliance. This program will prepare you to teach yoga classes.

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